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Caffe alla Pace

0376 18010133
0376 18010133

2 opinioni su Caffe alla Pace

The place where you will be cheated


It was the biggest mistake to visit this restaurants. The staff cheats tourists. My husband and I wisited Mantova 5 days ago and had a bad luck to visit this Bar. The staff was at the beginning very friendly. And we orderd Tortielli, Cola and water and a salad. The man, who served us food was in tatoos and of a strong compection. At the beginning we asked if we can pay with the credit card. He told that we could. At the end when we wanted to pay he didn´t bring us bill, only wrote on the paper 53,20 Euro. We were shoked: for 2 portion of tortelini, 1 water, salad and coke???? Than he told us, that we cannot pay with credit card.

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Caffè italiano

Consiglio di prendere un cappuccino sulla terrazza, da dove è un piacere vedere i passanti di questa città vivace e provocante, una vera scoperta. Il menu mi ha richiamato l'attenzione, è conveniente e appetitoso: pasta ripiena con zucca, risotti ecc. Ottimo per prendere un caffè come solo loro sanno fare e un muffin per uno spuntino a metà pomeriggio.

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